PsycINFO Referensdatabas (med vissa fulltextlänkar) Referenser till tidskriftsartiklar, böcker, avhandlingar och forskningsrapporter inom psykologi och angränsande ämnen såsom psykiatri, sociologi, omvårdnad, pedagogik och antropologi.


4 Söker i Thesaurus ”Avslappning” Umeå universitetsbibliotek campus Örnsköldsvik Ann Ingberg Söker på samma sätt i Thesaurus relaxation och får många 

Psychological Index Terms och innehåller mer än 8 400 ord. Ämnesorden är hierarkiskt. PsycINFO Info. PsycINFO (the Thesaurus linguae Graecae : a digital library of Greek literature Info. Contains virtually all Thesaurus linguae Latinae Info. PsycINFO This link opens in a new window Description of this database.

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The APA Thesaurus in PsycInfo contains more than 8,400 controlled terms, compared to 30,000 in MeSH (in PubMed) and 60,000 in Emtree (in Embase). Find a term in the APA Thesaurus Choose 'APA THESAURUS', enter a word or a phrase, and select the magnifying glass icon to search. Demonstrates how to use the subject heading thesaurus in the PsycINFO database (EBSCOhost 2.0) to perform more precise searches. Discussion includes distingu Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms: More than 8,400 controlled terms and cross-references; Hierarchical, alphabetical, and subject arrangements; Major and minor terms assigned; Maximum of 15 total terms, 5 major terms per record; More information available at Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms ® Classification System 2021-03-08 · PsycINFO Thesaurus Search this Guide Search. PSY 0035 Research Methods in Psychology - Oakland Campus.

Demonstrates how to use the subject heading thesaurus in the PsycINFO database (EBSCOhost 2.0) to perform more precise searches. Discussion includes distingu

The thesaurus allows you to add more than one term and separate them using Boolean Operators. The PsycInfo Thesaurus is a list of the formal, standardized, subject terms chosen by the psychologists who created and manage PsycInfo. The terms are used to label all items (articles, book reviews, dissertations, etc.) that are included in the PsycInfo database so that scholars can easily identify relevant research. In PsycINFO, the 'Thesaurus' link is located at the upper left corner of the screen.

PsycINFO is the main database used for locating articles within scholarly journals in Psychology. Produced by the American Psychological Association, and available on the ProQuest platform, PsycINFO is the first place to look for research in Psychology. It is NOT a full-text database. It provides descriptions (citations) for:

ämnesexperter har utifrån en ämnesordslista valt ämnesord som beskriver innehållet. PsycInfos ämnesordslista kallas Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms och innehåller mer än 8 400 ord. Ämnesorden är hierarkiskt URL Name. PsycINFO-User-Guide. Summary. Description.

Thesaurus psycinfo

All of the items included in APA databases – journal articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, and more – are represented by a record that is indexed, or tagged, with Index Terms from the Thesaurus . PsycINFO is a database of abstracts of literature in the field of psychology. It is produced by the American Psychological Association and distributed on the association's APA PsycNET and through third-party vendors. It is the electronic version of the now-ceased Psychological Abstracts.
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Ämnesorden är hierarkiskt.

ERIC: Thesaurus. PsycINFO: Thesaurus  "MeSH" (Medical Subject Headings), i CINAHL heter ämnesordlistan "Cinahl Headings" och i PsycInfo kallas ordlistan "Thesaurus". av E Nilsson · 2009 — Enligt Willman och Stoltz (2006) är MeSH-term detsamma som ämnesord och förekommer i flera databaser.
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Thesaurus psycinfo

Using the PsycINFO Thesaurus. PsycINFO uses a specific set of terms or phrases as subject headings to describe what the content is about. The terms are 

PsycINFO also contains a thesaurus than allows for more specific searches.